La Grecia Contemporanea (1974-2006)
(The Contemporary Greece 1974-2006)

Historical analysis book on the internal and foreign policy of the Hellenic Republic

Italian title: La Grecia contemporanea (1974-2006)

by Rudy Caparrini, Vincenzo Greco, Ninni Radicini
preface by Antonio Ferrari, journalist, corresponding from Athens for the "Corriere della Sera"
publishing house: Polistampa (Florence, Tuscany - Italy), 2007

* The book is in italian version only *

Cover of the book La Grecia Contemporanea 1974-2006 The book explains in the details the political, economic and social evolution of Greece in the last thirty-year period. Dates, which contain the period taken into consideration, are extremely significant: the 1974 is the year that registered the collapse of the "regime of the colonels" and the full recovery of the democracy for the Hellenic Republic, while the 2004, with the Olympics of Athens, is certainly the year that has changed the country history forever. Olympics, despite how many, in all the world, thought the hellenic nation would be not ready, have shown the big organizational and political capacity of a country. A country which has performed big progress and has showing that Greeks, beyond for their glorious past, can be proud also of their present.

In 1974 Greece begins a long way: first in direction of the European Economic Community (EEC, today EU - European Union), then towards the Euro, so in the security council of Onu. In the last decades has recovered many positions, with the perspective of a further growth political, economic and social. The book is divided into chapters, written separately by each author. Ninni Radicini analyses the internal policy of the Hellenic country from 1974 to today, describing the events which have led the country to the consolidation of bipartite system and of a government alternation.

Vincenzo Greco explains the foreign policy carried out by the governments of Athens, with special attention to the relations with Turkey, to the matter of Cyprus, to the adhesion of the Hellenic Republic in the European community structures, and to the cases with Fyrom (former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia). Rudy Caparrini has divided his work into two chapters: one general, aiming to explain the economic development and the social change of the Hellenic Republic; the other of type specific, dedicated in full to 2004, year of consecration of the Hellenic Republic as at international level reality.

The book has the preface of the great journalist Antonio Ferrari, corresponding from Athens for the "Corriere della Sera" and big expert of the events which have characterized the contemporary history of Greece.

The book (in Italian language version only) can also be purchased online from the publisher's site Polistampa with a discount of 15%.

Introduction of the book (Italian)

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